~ Welcome to the EXPLORATIONS UNITED Chat Rooms ~<br><br>@everyone Please read and follow the rules:-<br><br>1. Respect all members. All are welcomed. Communicate in English. Love people, honor everyone, hate sin.<br><br>2. No dramas, rudeness, discrimination, belittlement, profanity, begging, spamming, swearing and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) contents in any form. We have the right to remove you should you choose not to follow the rules.<br><br>3. Any illegal activities will be reported to the relevant authorities.<br><br>4. Conversations, links, songs or videos must be Christian based and relevant to the channels.<br><br>5. If you have any questions you can ask a @Moderator.<br><br>6. Kindly report to any @Moderator if there is anyone breaking the rules.<br><br>7. Do not use this server to promote other discord servers.<br><br>8. Introduce yourself at https://minnit.chat/EUAboutMe<br><br>By using this chatroom, you have agreed to the rules.<br><br>Thank you for your kind attention.