Introducing Bots

We are happy to announce that you can now get a Bot in your chat.

Premium Bots can automatically kick users who use words you block. If they keep it up, the bot will ban them. You can change the reasons for kicking & banning, how many warnings to give, and how long to ban. This makes the Bot great for moderating your chat while you’re away.

Of course, the bot is about more than just banning. The premium bot comes with Typerace, a brand new game where users must type a phrase as fast as possible. The bot then announces the winners; this makes for fun competition!

There are many new features available for free, as well: the bot can also help you keep track of who visits your chat with Auto Regular. You can choose to make all users who enter a Regular, or wait until they talk. You can even specify it to be registered users only, to help prevent duplicates.

Want even more? Ask the bot any question using the !8ball command, and it will answer. Or, it can help you choose by randomly selecting an option using !choose. Flip a coin with !coinflip. Calculate the likelihood of love using !lovetest. Count down to a date using !countdown. Slap a user with !slap. All of these commands are free to use.

You can see a full command list here. Of course, more commands and features will be added in the future, so stay tuned.

Visit your chat’s “Edit Chat” menu to get your bot set up!